Sunday, October 29, 2006

This is a special photo for uncle seamus and aunty fleur........ to say thanks for checking out my blog and making me feel so special. Mum said it was great to chat the other night, and we should do it more often. We miss you guys lots and lots. xxx Posted by Picasa

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Another sunny day in christchurch, can't go far without the sun hat these days!! Posted by Picasa

Mum and Zara Daisy..... Zara is 8 weeks old now, and as you can tell by her cheeks she is doing just fine. We are all getting used to 4 in the house although there is still not much sleep for any of us!! Posted by Picasa

The girls...... all in pink! Posted by Picasa

Mum and I after a fantastic day...... Zara lying on the floor in the background, so much for us to do but we are just hanging out :-)  Posted by Picasa

Don't worry its been censored.... Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Dad and his girls..... Posted by Picasa

Me and Zara hanging out on my bed....  Posted by Picasa

I have to put a photo of my noddy car.... only problem is i can't drive it myself, someone has to push me... Posted by Picasa

Zara lying back chilling in Nana's arms.... love having the grandparents around :-) Posted by Picasa

Atleast I'm looking cute, I'll worry about how comfy Zara is after the photo is taken... Posted by Picasa

Yay we love picnics.... Posted by Picasa

Where's the milk!!! Nana, Granddad, Amy, Alex, Mum, Dad, Zara and I went on our first picnic of the summer..... I'm looking at all the liquid offerings and a little concerned that I can't see my milk!! Posted by Picasa

Zara snuggling in with Granddad, some call him the baby whisperer, he can always settle the baby, and is it any wonder look how comfy he looks :-) Posted by Picasa