Thursday, June 29, 2006


Just wanted to say congratulations to Aunty Dossy and Aunty Amy for both being so clever and passing their exams. We are all very proud of you both.
It is so much fun having Maddy and Aunty Dossy staying, although I think we are a little too mischevious for mum's liking! Posted by Picasa
Aunty Doss bought me and Maddy these cool matching jackets, to be frank we look incredibly cute in them. You can't deny it can you :-)  Posted by Picasa
A couple of nice pics of me with Maddy, Nana and Grandad, they came to stay for a couple of nights over the weekend.  Posted by Picasa
Maddy, Nana Grandad and me... Posted by Picasa
Hanging out in the sun.... Posted by Picasa
Yum warm up with an icecream! Posted by Picasa
We found some really deep snow by the side of the road. My nose was going blue by this stage though :-)  Posted by Picasa
Ohhhh nice, family portrait Posted by Picasa
I'm itching to go skiing but the folks reckon i'm still too young. They let me check out the facitilities at Coronet though and it was pretty cool. Posted by Picasa
Mum Dad and I headed down to Milbrook Queenstown for a couple of days of R&R. It was bitterly cold down there but I guess you should expect that in the winter Posted by Picasa

Monday, June 26, 2006

Stepped out!!!! If the sun is shining I need to get out, even if it is v cold. Posted by Picasa
Stepping out in my birthday dress from Uncle BJ.... Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

And what goes up has to come down..... Posted by Picasa
Up up up.... new words for the week. Posted by Picasa
Trying to fill Aunty Amy's shoes!!!!! Maybe one day! Posted by Picasa
I could get lost in this grass, thank goodness Grandad and Maddy were there to save me :-)  Posted by Picasa
Me and Maddy in the grasses. Posted by Picasa
Like climbing this tree, not sure I could have done it without Grandad. Posted by Picasa
There was so much to explore at Nana and Grandads, Grandad had to help me out sometimes. Posted by Picasa
Granddad reading to me and Maddy. It was a pretty good story but I don't think it helped put us to sleep.  Posted by Picasa
Out for a brisk walk with Nana and my cousin Maddy. Can't believe they thought I might have a sleep. We were in Alex visiting Nana Flannery. Posted by Picasa
Helping Nana cook dinner.... Posted by Picasa